Tuesday, May 26, 2009


ok I'm sorry for so many pictures. We built our deck this weekend and I have to say my dad and brother in law are amazing craftsman. I drew pictures for them of how I wanted my deck and they built what was in my head It was so cool! They made it oriental and zenish- and i just love it. My whole family worked so hard to get this done in 3 days including many trips to Totem-They only sell the sizes we needed. cutting mixing concrete screwing hammering making gardens cleaning cooking- needless to say I am totally exhausted and I would be happy to lay in my bed all week. I love the sunburst railing the most and my built in massive planters. Brandon and I are going to finish the gates and hang our hammock this week. Its so nice to finally have a backyard to do something in. The boys loved having grandma and aunt cacia to play with them. Way to much attention for 3 days. They were so interested in what was going on and tried helping a couple times. My bro in law david is also an amazing bbq-er- holy cow I've never tasted stuff so good. THey even piped in our natural gas line for our bbq! YAY! I"M SO EXCITED FOR SUMMER PARTIES! and the space between the stairs is so perfect for a sheet and projector movie! Anyone have a projector! Neighborhood movie night!



  1. It looks awesome!!!! And YAYE! You're back!!! I have been waiting for pictures and... well... just YOU! Oh... and my bro-in-law has a projector ;) hehe

  2. I LOVE it! When we snuck into your backyard to look at it I was jealous of the size of your yard, and now I am jealous of the amazing deck! Envy isn't really a sin is it??? :)

  3. Way Cool! I love it Bree! It's a great thing that you have a brother-in-law and Dad that can work such wonders :) I hope I get to see it in person some day. :)Love you!

  4. Wow, well done!! I love the railing suns too. Those are incredible. You have some seriously cute little boys. I love the wheelbarrow shot and the hole in the ground. Too fun. That looks like an awesome deck! Isn't it great to have such a big project done??

  5. It's beautiful. You've all done a great job.

  6. it looks really good..very zen like!

  7. Holy cow! They did an amazing job on your deck! I love the sunburst railing too- that's so cool! I hope your lanterns didn't blow away in the crazy wind yesterday!

  8. I LOVE IT BREE! It looks amazing... I would expect nothing less from your creative mind!

  9. Hey I love the patio! so jealous!

    ps would you mind if I use the picture of the onsie i won on my blog to show what i received, my camera is broken or i would take a pic myself

  10. Fun! I wish we lived closer so we could BBQ together :) I can't wait to get a yard! Someday...

  11. the lanterns are from a place in the states called zurchers- amazing store!

  12. i'm so jealous you have a deck! i can't wait to live in a house. it looks great!
