Monday, June 1, 2009

Business Card Rough Draft....

Ok people this is a mock up for my business cards they are going to be printed on clear plastic but I want your you like.... event planner ...event coordinator....event manager or event consultant.... Do you think it needs more by the logo? some lines or a border around it? Do you like the font? Should we have something like...Mod events specializing in modern events with a kick of funky fresh- or somthing to go along with that? Help..... what sounds the most professional... polls are on my sidebar...


  1. hey there, your card looks great. my vote goes for event consultant!

  2. I voted. I'm sure they'll look awesome!

  3. I voted for coordinator because it seems more hands on. To coordinate something is to be involved in the process, planning, setting up, managing, etc. If you are a consultant you are just giving ideas but not involved in the process and if you are manager you are just the overseer. Planner is too plain and common, especially for you and such snazzy awesome cards. When in doubt, think of the implications of each word individually...and decide which you want to be (because they are defiantly not all the same meaning) and coordinator sounds so much more elegant

  4. I really like the simplicity of the card, keeping it simple will make it easier for people to read and understand.
