Tuesday, June 30, 2009

first words and a sweet moment.

my sweet Greyson said his first word this week. Light- he points to all of the lights in the house and says yight. When Brandon and I say good job yes thats a light he'll clap his hands because he knows were happy. It's adorable and melts my heart. I can't believe they are talking now. They've babbled but now there words are starting to mean things. I love when we drive home from church and they are so exhausted from no nap that the both fall asleep in the car. I pulled Greyson out this week and he stayed asleep in my arms all the way up the stairs. I didn't want to put him in his crib. I just wanted to cuddle. and soak in the sweet moment of how quiet and peaceful it was. I'm greatful for my family this week. I had the event photoshoot this week. It was fun lots of work- and a mad dash for a haircut. I went shorter.. pics to come later...
I'm sooo greatful for my family watching the boys when I needed some extra help this week. I even came home and they cleaned out my fridge and did my dishes. I felt like crying I was so greatful. It's been harder to get everything done around my house latley, and I feel so much better with a clean house. I appreciate their love for me that they showed so hugely this week.


1 comment:

  1. your boys are adorable! i love the "yight", i can just imagine a cute little boy saying that :)
