I love the 4th of July. It's my favorite Holiday. I guess partially because its in the summer and reminds me of the week I met Brandon- but I also love any excuse for sparkly things in the air. So when you marry someone who has a job in oil and gas trading you know that the 4th of July probably wont be the same for a while. The 4th always falls on bid week. So Brandon has to work late. Which means he also can't take Vacation. SO I officially decided 2 years ago to make the best of not being able to be home on the 4th. And I have an annual bbq in canada for the 4th of July. I invite my american friends that live here- and anyone else who cares to dawn red white and blue for the day. I always feel like summer starts after this bbq every year. I was so excited to get to dress my daughter up for the 4th. It was bittersweet knowing she wouldn't get to go to a parade or see fireworks but this outfit made me happy and feel festive. The boys had some 4th shorts that my mom bought them last year the day after the 4th when they are 75 percent off- Its always my fav day to shop- the day after the holiday to get stuff for parties for the next year.
The lean green johnson grilling machine- yes hes wearing a hoodie-Id set up lanterns ect and what does Calgary do... yes it has a crazy windstorm and rains- So I had to take all my fabric and lanterns down :(
Marissa and Keshia had a little fun with the umbrellas- Even Toby looked awesome in his american gear- hes co cos little american friend. Marissa is From Tennessee
{ she even went to school in Rexburg when I was there- and we didnt know each other!}
{so- we're basically kindred friends}
she misses the 4th like I do- it was fun to have her around to answer us trivia.
She even won the prize of classic american goodness
me and my dear friend Sarah Dafoe- her whole fam dressed up in a shirt that had an american city's name on it. I have the best friends in the world!
Red white and blue strawberries compliments of Melanie
Desert table- notice the watermelon cut into stars- yeah mel is amazing

Denton showing off his burger- him and Brandon are such good friends its so fun to see them together- almost like brothers I love it!
Thank you Midnapore x-mas karaoke party for introducing us to Dafoes.
My Red White and Blue kiddos

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