a proposition...

Hi There my dear friends,
I am writing this on behalf of the Child Rescue Association of North America. I've been asked to help with their huge event happening in Utah in August. And I'm in need of some assistance from my friends.
So heres my spill to all of you. Basically I'm looking for people to donate items into a huge blog giveaway as a fundraising/awareness initiative for our charity.
This giveaway will be On some major blogs..which I can't divulge yet.. We are also going to be featured live on KSL NEWS AND RADIO In the upcoming weeks they will be helping to advertise this Concert at Thanksgiving Pointe.
The Giveaway will be happening on August 2nd at http://www.modsblog.comAnd winners will be announced on the 9th. There will be Grand prizes of Backstage passes to see the bands catered dinner-family photo sessions restaurant passes ect ect ect
Right now I'm looking for items from your shop/companyhandmade items that you could donate to the giveaway.
In return you'll have advertising for your shop go out to thousands of people!So heres a little about this amazing charity I get thrill and pleasure to serve
a bit about us:
We are a recently developed non-profit organization in Canada and the US with a goal to help end child trafficking and exploitation right here in North America.
Child Trafficking is the business of taking children and putting them to work either as forced labor or sexual slaves.Many people are unaware of this issue and that it happens right here in Canada and the US. Worldwide, the child sex trade grosses $28 billion annually. This is more than Nike, Google and Starbucks combined!
We currently have two initiatives under way
They are the...
1) Candlelight Serenade -a benefit acoustic festival to be held at Thanksgiving Point in Utah on August 21, 2010. Featuring Reliant K- third eye blind- dashboard confessional ect and 2 major artists we also can't divulge yet.
And 2) "Our 2000 Friends" Campaign. We have been named as a producer with George Clooney and Steven Soderbergh in the documentary "Playground" by Libby Spears. This documentary exposes brothels and the child sex trade and will be used as an educational aid in teaching law enforcement agencies and the general public about this issue. Our campaign is to raise funds for the last $200 000 to complete the film.
We are trying to educate the masses by doing giveaways such as this one and through large scale events and concerts such as Candlelight.
We are intervening by creating partnerships with law enforcement agencies and local Non Government Organizations (NGOs).
Please feel free to email me if you're interested in taking part in our giveaway and helping to rescue these kids. Any donation small or large from your shop/company ect would be greatly appreciated- Sometimes its the little things that can help the most.
We really want to get the word out and I believe a huge giveaway like this will raise tons of awareness-Plus I know my fellow bloggers and how big their hearts are :)
To Contact me-
Bree Johnsonbree [!at] childrescue.org
For More information on us please check out ourwebsite at www.childrescue.org.
blog at www.rescuingkids.org/blog
facebook at http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Child-Rescue-Association-of-North-America/114218418626118?v=info&ref=ts
twitter at twitter.com/childrescue_na
Hey! Do you know how much the tickets will be? Brad and I are pretty sure we can get all of our friends to go. Where do we get tickets?