let your heart be light
from now on your troubles will be out of sight...
this song has significant meaning to me this christmas and I'm so grateful
for the real meaning of christmas especially this year.
Our kids get 3 presents because thats how many jesus received... they get sock stuff-
but the big presents they get three.
I like that it reminds them of what's important.
this has been my motto this christmas..try not to worry to much about other things going on in my life right now and enjoy the spirit of christmas and what its really about
we made cookies for santa and trains were the hit thing this year for the boys choo choos everywhere
oops we got caught stealing cookies
went to grandma and paps house for new years eve game night and family presents
Then we came home got in jammies put the cookies out turned the lights on the tree and tucked the kids in. this is my fav part at night just staring at the tree...reminds me of my childhood and how I would stare for hours at the lights
I love this picture of the boys they are eating santas cookies!
christmas day we went to olds and visited Brandons family - we all played floor hockey, games had food- its low key relaxing and the kids have a blast just playing...
really I loved this christmas...just so relaxing for me.

Merry Christmas to you as well!