Wednesday, June 24, 2009

4th of July Barbeque in Canada

So I'm throwing a 4th of July Barbeque because I can't go down to my homeland for the 4th this year. It's Bid week. But that dosnt mean I can't have it here. SO.... I'm trying to think of ideas and am having a lot of fun getting creative. Theres no stars and stripes stuff up here so I'm basically having to make things up. I decided on a 50s all american theme of vintage finds rust and old. I found this awesome container at home depot to put old coke bottles in- you know the really cute glass ones in- looking for an American Flag that looks used- might have to go to that culture place downtown. I'm trying to find old vintage signs or license plates for the food table and am making some stuff to hang from our deck pergola- I'm kindve against the whole paper plate thing with napkins that match. I love plain white dishes they are classic and food looks so beautiful on them.I found diet coke in the bottles but am looking for regular- if you see them anywhere in Calgary please let me know! And if anyone wants to come to the BBQ on the 4th please come the more the merrier! Bring friends! Let me know if Your coming so I can get enough food! We'd love to meet some new people.


  1. I have found the Regular Coke in bottles in the Nanton Candy store. Its about a 45 min drive South of calgary, but they also carry a lot of American Candy, Might be worth a drive?

  2. here is a cute idea for July 4th stuff and you are crafty afterall. We will be there, and as always I am excited to see what you have done!

  3. i made that cake last year :) your trip looks AMAZING. wow so gorgeous; im glad you two got to get away and have some alone time!

    and yes, please come visit and bring those cute boys!! you're welcome any time :)

  4. Sad! I wanna come... I'm seriously considering ditching the reunion to come haha. But either way, I'll go to Nanton with ya, I was gonna ask if you wanted to go sometime anyway 'cause there's a vintage store there!
