Saturday, June 6, 2009

The mystery man

Brandon and I went to Ikea today to get out of the house and try to forget about the snow that fell yesterday- yes it is June... We picked up some new pillowcases and went to checkout with the boys in tow. When we got up to the front this guy came over to us and said...

I hope you don't think this is weird but when my wife and I had just had a baby someone gave us a gift card randomly and we'd like to do the same for you today- you can use it pass it on- we hope you have a good day- smiled and left. We were in a little bit of shock- this guy just gave us a 50 dollar gift card  we walked to our car saying NO WAY! HOW COOL! What amazing people! How generous thoughtful and fun! Brandon and I are already thinking of how we can ambush someone in a baby section somewhere or give it to someone with the jumbo pack of diapers in their cart like we've done every two weeks. We can't wait to pay it forward. Thank you whoever did such an amazing thing for our little family. There are awesome people in the world. There really are.

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