Sunday, July 5, 2009

Picnic in Fish Creek Park

For fathers day I got Brandon a bike trailer/jogging stroller so we can go on more outdoor adventures this summer. Brandon was super excited to try it out so we took it out to fish creek park and had a picnic- sandwiches and toddlers don't really do that well- the boys loved the river- we're so lucky to live 5 minutes away from it. We rode for about an hour and decided to get the boys back for a nap- the only problem it was really steep going back up this trail we chose- we got about half way and had to get off our bikes- brandon pushed the bike up the mountain along with the boys- seriously I think he's superman in disguise- it was soo steep!. We seriously celebrated when we got to the top. It was such a great summer day and I love being with my little family.

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