Saturday, August 8, 2009

a date with the johnson

I have to admit I kindve have a thing for brandon in western attire-plus his sneakers- soooooo brandon- he pulls off a mean rugged look. For mothers day he bought me tickets to Kenny Chesney- and can I just say it was so worth it- I know all his songs- mostly from my college days in rexburg-what a guy to put up with me screaming my lungs out the whole night. I love his music how its no too country and has almost a beach bum feel to it. It's music that makes me happy- in fact when I have a rough day or when i just need to get away I'll drive with my windows down music all the way up and listen to him or to greenday- it's such a release for me and I feel more like bree in those moments than anywhere else- feeling the music and full of zest and energy just singing my lungs out- and not caring what random guy is staring at me at the stoplight. So thanks babe for an awesome present- you really should wear that stuff more often ;)

1 comment:

  1. you guys are adorable! Wasn't it a good concert? And Brandon's such a sweetheart for thinking of that for you... you lucky woman!
