Wednesday, August 5, 2009

an update...

my ultra sound will be on aug 28th to look for multiple gestation-calgary is booked solid- I still feel like it's just one-so I'm not too worried but theres that lingering thought always in the back of my head. I feel so different this time around it can't be right? I'm very excited about this new little one- having gone through a pregancy once I feel so much more relaxed this time around- I'm used to all that is happening- and I feel 100 percent better than the first time around- in fact shocked that its so different and actually enjoyable to be pregnant. I'm excited to have my kids close in age- that way we can be at the same stages- all go to disneyland together go on roller coasters at the same time-vacations will be funner, ect... I can't wait to find out what I'm having- boy or girl I'll be excited really I actually kindve picture myself with my 3 boys.

I'm working on a wedding right now- super fun and stressful. I couldn't live this month without my lists. School starts again in september and I'm excited to announce all I have left are 3 comm classes an art history class and 6 business ones. I'm close! SO CLOSE!

The Website and Blog are sooooo close to being done- we're just going through the nit picky stuff to make sure its all worded and clear and just the way we want it before the big for a little sneak peak you can see a picture I adore of all our feet! I can't wait to oooze about this photoshoot and how talented these ladies are! Can you tell I'm excited?


  1. hey mrs. bree...
    i love the pic...lookin' good!!!

  2. you have lots of exciting news, so happy for you! and i cannot wait to see this website of yours.

  3. so excited to see the website! and we're so excited to keep hearing updates about your pregnancy :) i told trev the doctor thought he heard two heartbeats & he freaked out! haha
