Thursday, April 9, 2009

{Etsy Site}

Well It's almost all ready to go! I had issues with making my banner and after a whole day of photoshop tutorials I Figured it out! I'm so proud I didn't get impatient and that I kept at it until I got it right! I'm getting all my photos ready to go and setting up my shop policies and pay pal account and ordering my amy butler fabrics and felt- but here is my banner....So exciting! Stay tuned for the grand opening and a special offer for my blog readers.

On a side note... I'm grateful for the little things people do and for the man putting people in my life that I need at the time.  Kindness dosn't go unnoticed and I'm a firm believer that what goes around comes around whether it's a nice treat- an act of cleaning :) a note- a kind word of encouragement. 



  1. Very great job Bree! I love it! I love that it is called Little Pink Orchard especially!

  2. I LOVE THE BANNER! way to go! I know it gets frustrating, but I'm proud of you for sticking with it! I'm excited to see your store and all of your creations! Keep me posted!
