Thursday, May 28, 2009

{Please help me with my midterm!}& Giveaway!

{the calgary white hat represents calgary- all the dignitaries get one when they visit}
Everyone who responds will be put into a draw for a pillow off my etsy site or a onesie.

For my midterm project In my organizational communications class I have to make a 10 minute presentation on a subject that I thought was particularly interesting thus far in the semester. I decided to do it on cultural awarness. I'm going to make a video/powerpoint and really REALLY! need your help. I have to have 10-15 slides so that means I need at least 10 people to help me out!

 Basically what I'm asking from you is to select an object that represents you and some part of group or culture you are a part of. I then would like you to describe why you chose that object and the significance it has to your culture. 

If you could include a picture of the object and a picture of yourself that would be super amazing also. When the project is done I'll post it on here so everyone can learn a little more about different groups and cultures....for more info heres the official instructions you can either comment on this blog and I'll download a picture for you- or you can e-mail me at



  1. Sounds like an interesting project Bree.
    I'm not sure if this would work for it, but my girls were given krugerrands from Alan's parents as a family heirloom. They are south african coins. Even though KB & Ann were happy to leave behind the violence that was around them when they relocated their young family to Canada, it is amazing how much the culture has stuck with them. From their south african slang ("just now" "hire a flick"; etc), making the south african dish Babooti often, and especially the way they flirt with each other in front of their adult children in Afrikaans.
    I've caught Rachel saying "Just now" to me when I ask her to do something and i'm sure as my girls grow older it will stick with them.
    Not sure if you can use it, but if you can i'll forward some pictures of the girls with their coins.

  2. sarah thats perfcet- Id love a picture if you have one!

  3. Hey Bree...

    I'd like to help you out. I was born in Chile and there are so many things in our culture that I have just recently learned. Things I thought I knew...but really didn't. Anyhow...I'll try to find a particular something that will fit into what you are trying to do for your assignment and get back to you.

  4. Bree-
    Let me know if this is what you are looking for... Quilts have been a part of my family for generations. I mean, everyone used to make their own quilts, but for my family it was more than just necessity. Quilts, be they pieced or whole cloth, have been a way to bring people together. When a quilt is completed women gather around the frame to work together and complete it through tying or quilting. My great- grandmother was a beautiful quilter and made quilts until she went blind. I inherited her quilting patterns and have used them to make quilts for my little girl. I see heritage when I work on a quilt with these antique quilting patterns and can't help but think of the many hands that have used the same patterns I am using. The fact that they too made a beautiful quilt and came together to finish it with a now lost art form- hand quilting.
    Lisa (if this is what you want, I can send a pic of the quilts I have made)

  5. Done & Done! -Check your email!
