Wednesday, May 20, 2009

{An Unexpected twist}

For a while now I've had an idea about partnering with some people I know to create one bigger event company.  Almost like a one stop shop for brides and other cliental. I wasn't sure how it would work or what we would do or if anyone would be interested. I just knew it sounded like a better idea than me on my own. more professional. Having a team of experts. Which also helps when you are first starting out with the financial aspect. Whats funny is these other people have been thinking the same thing that I've been thinking. I know it sounds dumb but I've prayed for an answer on how I can do this business without going into debt and without sacrificing my family and their needs and time with them because that is super important to me. But I also know this is something I  personaly have to do to feel fulfilled to have an outlet and still be Bree and not just Mom.
  So the idea is to merge into one- work together and pool our ideas. We've all been talking with each other and decided it sounded like a plan and that we should go for it! So without further ado......the new company
and our team will be called the MOD SQUAD!

Our style is high modern events with a touch of whimsy and retro

We're super excited- our website is being made and we'll be debuting at the bridal show in September. We already have a booth! I'm very excited. I started shaking  and wanted to cry when we all started to talk about it. It's happening the wheels are in motion and it makes me so happy that it's not just my dream now it's a reality.



  1. very exciting!!!!!!!! GO MOD SQUAD!!!

  2. Bree.

    I still need your snail mail address. You won the nemesisproductions giveaway on


    Once you send it, I will forward it to nemesisproductions, so she can send your prize!!

  3. How awesome is that!? I can't wait for the website!

  4. I'm so excited for you!!! What a fun adventure!

  5. That is so great bree. I'm so excited for you!

  6. Way cool Bree! I'm excited for you! How many people are in on this together and what does everyone do and all that? What fun! I really hope it works out for you :)

  7. That sounds so exciting! I'm happy for you having your dream becoming a reality.

  8. Wow, that sounds incredible. I hope you're still in business and you're still nearby when my girls are getting married. It sounds like my dream team. Congrats on getting things going!
