Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The color code as my final thesis...

I've always been fascinated by this book and how it divulges into peoples personality's and how they get along with others. For my organizational Communications class we had to take a subject we enjoyed learning about and turn that subject into a 15 page paper and powerpoint. I decided to write a lesson plan pretending I was a professor. Id have my students take the quiz and come back to class dressed in their color I'd then divide them into groups first in all their own colors and have them work out different leadership roles- then Id switch them so the colors were mixed. A discussion would ensue...

So basically thats the readers digest version of my project. I took organizational Leadership and tried to make other people see that there is more than one way that people lead in groups. If you have an afternoon on a beach this summer I highly recommend this book. you learn a lot about yourself and others. It helps with relationships also. I'm a red- Brandons a white- go figure
I'm so glad this semester is almost over- it's been a lot of reading and a lot of late nights after the boys are all asleep- Brandon included. It will be nice to relax for a couple weeks before fall semester starts.
I'm excited for my fall classes. I'm finishing my visual arts minor's last requirement class- on ancient art history- super stoked for that one-my last religion class-new testament- and then its on to finishing my business classes- sooo close- sooo excited to almost be done- I'm thinking of celebrating by doing something crazy- any ideas?



  1. i'm a red too! i'm not sure what trevor is. i love the color code :)

  2. this is on my to read list. i'm so proud of you for finishing school, what an accomplish especially with twins! and you should go skydiving to celebrate :)
