Thursday, July 9, 2009

First Peters experience...

So I'm trying to catch all the little memories of the boys and I thought this one was pretty funny. Brandon and I went to get shakes one afternoon because we were super bored. Usually we'll go on drives or walks but the weather had been a little rainy so we opted for the drive. We both got shakes and we swear Greyson has a sensor for when Ice cream is near. He usually dosn't ever get upset or cry. He's such a great toddler-so we knew something was up when he started screaming in the car-we tried to figure out what was wrong and then I thought- do you think he wants a sip? Sure enough- we let him have the straw and the rest was history THIS CHILD ADORES ICE CREAM! It's funny because Harrison dosn't like it at all. So basically he took over Brandon shake and wouldnt give it back. I see many a future trip to Peters for this kid.


  1. That is a boy after his aunties heart! He is just training so I can bribe him when he is older.

  2. Isn't he just the cutest thing ever!!!!! Does he have eyes like Brandon or what????

  3. Funny, Brooke, before I saw what you wrote above, I was gonna say he was a boy after MY heart! lol

    Good choice, Greyson!!!

    What kind was it? Of course, I'm a Tiger fan myself.

  4. we know what we like and we like Chocolate Strawberry, it's just so good.

    Bree likes the chocolate/oreo/banana

  5. That is soo cute!! Mila does the same thing, we have to hide it when we eat it, she just knows

  6. post a picture or something so I know what those hangers look like Bree... they sound cute.

  7. apparently my first words came from ice cream.....nummy! I haven't stopped loving it since... this is one sensible boy!
