Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A recipe for a BIG CHANGE

Pre-heat at 98.6 degrees for 6 more months
add 4 diclectin every day
pray it's not twins again
*if so is there a baby registry for advil and ear plugs*
(if not please send us a gift wrapped nanny or maid)
Find a new car that will fit 3 car seats
Find a stroller for 3 toddlers-maybe 4 (yikes!)
Hope the boys are out of their cribs by February -can you imagine 3 cribs!
Clear out our office for a new nursery
Anxiously await for Feb 14th and our sweet new *bun*dle of love
Enjoy our new sweet little addition

Bree Brandon And Baby Johnson


  1. Hooooooooooly Moley!!!! Oh my goodness! Wow! I'm so excited/scared for you guys! Not all *that* scared but you know, three kids (maybe four, huh?) can be a big thing to look forward to but I'm so ~*HAPPY*~ for you!!!

  2. OH WOW!!!! BREEEEEEEE!!! Sooo excited. And SO hoping it's not twins, either! Although, lol... it'd build your family nice and quickly.


  3. CONGRATS! I hope is a girl so Hannah and Baby Johnson can be buddies :) Thats awesome

  4. Bree!!! OH MY GOSH!!! Congrats! I can't believe you guys are expecting! You beat me to 3 (maybe 4!) kids! AHHH! I am trying to convince myself I could handle another at some point down the road! you must be superwoman. Mom of twins, school, event planner, wife!!!. How the heck do you do it?!?! So happy for you though! And PS that pic of you in the post below...AMAZING. YOU ARE GORGEOUS!
    So thrilled for you!

  5. Bree!!! OH MY GOSH!!! Congrats! I can't believe you guys are expecting! You beat me to 3 (maybe 4!) kids! AHHH! I am trying to convince myself I could handle another at some point down the road! you must be superwoman. Mom of twins, school, event planner, wife!!!. How the heck do you do it?!?! So happy for you though! And PS that pic of you in the post below...AMAZING. YOU ARE GORGEOUS!
    So thrilled for you!

  6. Congratulations you brave, brave lady!!! I'm so excited for you.

  7. haha! Cute post! Good way to announce it! Let me be the first to say congrats and I'm excited for you!!!!!! (I will also be there to help)

  8. Congrats!!! That is crazy!!!

  9. Congrats!!! That is crazy!!!

  10. holy moly! aw bree congrats! and what a cute post! ill come be your nanny!!

  11. Congratulations!!!! I am very excited for you :) That is wonderful and exciting news!

  12. That's very exciting news Bree!! Congrats!!

  13. CONGRATS!! How super exciting. Hope your are feeling well or at least that the diaclectin works for ya.

  14. Congrats Bree and Brandon! Why didn't you tell me when you saw me? I am guessing you are felling sick again because you didn't seem to be yourself anyway :) I understand (I am sorry if you are) I miss you too!!!! I hope it is one baby and that it's a girl so you can balance things out a little bit :) Oh, and I am REALLY jealous!

  15. it's a deal by the way we should do womens weeks together next year, I've never been it would be awesome!

  16. Congrats!!!! How exciting for you guys. I loved the way you announced it. You are so creative.

  17. Yay!!! We are sooooo happy for you! Congrats! I bet your boys will be the BEST helpers with a new baby!

  18. Yes, you are so brave! I will only have 2 in September and I can't imagine having any more than that! Congrats and good luck!
