Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Questions...

Wrapping Gifts at TD Square 2006

BP Oil Christmas Party 2006

Dressed up to sing at a concert- 14-15 years old

Singing for a Christmas concert and I know the blue dress is crazy but it was for a show choir I was in. This was taken at someones christmas party we sang for.- I know I went through quite the awkward phase- I will almost never post pictures of myself pre college- I really went through awkward teen stage bad! Bad hair ect ect ect. So enjoy why you can! I'm doing this for my boys! and They better love me for posting my awkward pictures. So theres a lesson- ask out the awkward girls -they turn out great later- don't give up on them!

show choir another year

Stepahnie and I stealing chocolates before we brave the winter cold

Me and my best Friend when I was little Katie Marion- This is when I lived In Salt Lake by The U of U We were shoveling for santa to come.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
I'm all about the paper- coordinating papers in the same color scheme- I really do like monochromatic colour pallettes- oh my heck I just spelled that canadian! AHHH I adore wrapping things- I volunteered wrapping downtwn while I waited for my work permit and permanent resident card- it was such a blast- maybe I'll post some pictures of that!
2. Real tree or artificial?
Artificial. I know I'm weird But I have a hard time making dark green look good with my weird colorschemes- it bothers me and I like untraditional- so I have a white tree.- But I love the smell of real trees! I'd like to get a real one for the boys later on and have 2 trees my tree and there tree :) Brandon will understand this- He wrapped presenst our first year married in a paper that wasnt the right color- I was impressed he wrapped them- and I put them at the back of the tree! I'm so mean He asked me why and I told Hi I'm ocd about colours- it made him laugh- I KNOW PEOPLE I"M WEIRD! And dang it I spelled it with a u again.

3. When do you put up the tree?
After American Thanksgiving
4. When do you take the tree down?
The 27th Id do it the 26th but it's boxing day Canadian shopping holiday- google it for the real history. I guess it's a pet peeve of mine- I like to get it all cleaned up so I can decorate for new years parties
5. Do you like eggnog?
ewww gross- when I worked at country boy dairy they had an ice cream that was egg nog I tried that and still thought it was gross- my dad loves it and adds cinnamon too it
6. Favorite gift received as a child?
One year My Parents Filled a huge treasure chest with dress ups and had someone make me a custom princess dress- I still remember waking up that morning rushing upstairs and remembering it look like magic. I'd sit on the couch alone in the dark and stair at the tree and wait for everyone else to get up it was probabally like 4 am-good thing my parents are keeners and got it done early- my mom would have presents wrapped by july.- Also my dad built me a Dollhouse one year- it was beautiful with a working chandaleir and a garage- you could sit on the barbie house and slide down it. It was huge and bright pink

7. Do you have a nativity scene?
No - and to be honest I'm ok with that- I'm not a fan of knick knacks- Id rather have a picture of the savior.
8. Hardest person to buy for?
My dad-He's just hard and I don't know why- he already has every tool I can think of. What else do you buy a rocket scientist?

9. Easiest person to buy for?
Brandon- I guess I just know him well. He tells me what he loves and I make mental note of it all year long- I do that with everyone actually and ill shop all year long for christmas.

10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
hmm I don't know -socks - I don't wear socks and Lotion/bath stuff- a book

11. Email or Christmas cards?
Christmas Cards-ooh both I'm kind've getting into being green- Canada's getting to me recycling and all!
12. Favorite Christmas Movie?
Home alone. I love the song somewhere in my memory from this movie I played it with handbeels when I was in Chamber Choir. Also I love A christmas story. Every chrsitmas eve as a kid my family would go out to chinese food because of this movie yummm and Miracle on 34th street is a fav

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
all year
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
yes I admit it- not often though- I'm weird about presents I really take the time to think about if they will love it- even if it's small
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
Jill Rea's fudge recipe cheese and crackers- different punches and veggie/meat trays
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree?

clear- they go with everything and all you have to do is change your ornaments if you get sick of them-also a big fan of the prelit tree.

17. Favorite Christmas song?
Somewhere in my memory, Oh holy night, This amazing arrangment of God rest ye marry gentlemen. The forgotten Carols-I've been wanting to post a whole blog on this casue it would be too long so maybe I will tommorow.
18. Travel for Christmas or stay at home?
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeers?
oh yeah dasher dancer prancer vixen comet cupid donner blitzen and rudolph
20. Angel on the tree top or a star?
I prefer the star but I actully like to put weird things at the top feathers little poky things- like I said I'm not a fan for being traditional
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning
One on x mas eve from family and the rest x mas morning

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year?
snow I really should have been born in California- I got separated from cori and emm

23. Best Christmas gift ever received as an adult?

A day at the spa from Brandon when I was pregnant last year- I went and cried during it because it felt so good to me - I hurt so bad. and they had a hole in the table for my ginormous twin belly- also Brandon got me my favorite skirt that I still wear to this day- and Mac makeup/brushes from debbie- coco motion from brooke and a trip to the dominican republic from Joel- wow people love me :) I'm very lucky

24. What I love most about Christmas? Parties

25. Family Traditions from year to year. chinese food christmas eve-baking cookies christmas eve- movie marathons- work parties- card tournaments
26. Did you ever go caroling?
yes I have lots of times- especially when you are in lots of choirs and performing groups- christmas is one of the funnest times and busiest to perform
27. Oh Christmas Tree! Who has the best tree?

My mom does amazing trees really shes incredible

28. Fat, Skinny, Tall, Plump Tree?

I like tall ones- its more about the color and the needles shape
29. Have you ice-skated?

Yes -I love to ice skate- I took lessons as a kid and they've come in handy Because My in-laws debbie and Joel Live on Lake sundance. They Zambonee it every winter because it freezes and we go skate on the lake- It really is magical they play christmas music and you just go skate in the backyard so cool- the first time I saw there yeard I freaked out. It was so beautiful
30. When do you unwrap your gifts? Christmas day


  1. Yeah! I am totally in one of your pictures!

  2. Lovely Christmassy post! I loved reading your answers. And of course those shiny blue dresses were fabulous!! Haha... good times! I VERY much miss being in choirs... especially this time of year.
