Thursday, April 23, 2009

{ a studious summer semester}

This is how my brain feels- like there's a stack of things to do. And While I like the busyness- it's making me tired. I feel like I study all day and read until my brain hurts. My boys are such a nice breath of fresh air. I'll have just taken a quiz and I hear them wake up it's like they know when I'm finished. I walk in and they greet me with big smiles. they each jump on there own crib and it looks like little mier cats popping up in the savannah-totally makes my heart light and happy. 

I've made up a grad plan and I think I'll graduate by next summer- which seems forever away.  Partially because the new program is still getting all of their business classes online and they wont be available until the winter.  I love my d and c class I forgot how much I loved my religion classes. I enjoy hearing insights and things I wouldn't normally hear just from church. I've already learned a lot this week. 

My google calendar is my lifesaver and I'm glad it lets me color coordinate things . As is my Keshia who saves me from studying every once and a while to chat or be silly and random you know those friends who you think you must have known before you came to earth- shes definatley one of them. It scares me how alike we are sometimes.  And I'm greatful for such a good friend in my life right now. Life is just happy. It's spring! My boys are so fun to play with at this age- I love them being 1~

My etsy shop is doing great! I've gotten a bunch of custom requests- and I think those are the funnest- knowing you are making something special for someone and your stuff is going all over thw world! It helped so much to see what everyone liked. Thanks for spreading the word. It's exciting for me to create and know others like it too.


1 comment:

  1. awww... I heart you.. my little doe! I'm grateful to have you in my life too! And I'm sorry if I distract you a little tooo much lol. And thanks for blogging for me haha ;)
