Monday, August 31, 2009

New Toys

It's fun to watch my boys grow and get personalities. They are starting to show that they like certain things.

Harrison kinda started it, he will sometimes carry around his blanket from room to room. But they still didn't have that sense of "having" a toy. If Greyson pulled a toy away Harrison would just grab something else and move on.

But lately they have shown more that they own stuff.

So at Walmart I wanted to get them a prize. We grabbed a few things that were in the price range we were looking at and held them out for Harrison, he pushed away the toy camera and the toy screwdriver (though it didn't look much like a real one) but he liked the toy cell phone. Which reminded us of all the times he wanted to play with our real phones and has hung up on Grammy Patty.

Greyson has come to love cars. Uncle Barrett gave him a red Ferrari and we could barely pry it from his hands so he could eat. When we are getting into the car he says "vroom vroom" and when we read car and driver together he points to the cars and says "vroom vroom." So it was no wonder that Greyson wanted a truck, a nice tough one that he can throw and push and take outside in the dirt and vroom all over.
And Harrison likes texting his friend Nixon on his new phone, you'll notice that the phone is angled away so we cant read. I imagine this is what he was writing "dude new phone is so cool! You should come over tomorrow to watch treehouse and eat fruit snacks."

So don't judge him because he has three different phones and will probably know how to use a cell phone better than both of us just as soon as we will let him play with our phones.

Enjoy the new toys boys. Just remember when I'm old and don't know how to use facebook 5.0 to be nice to me.



  1. "dude, totally! Tell your mom to go on IChat and we'll totally get it done! you also need to see my sweet new haircut!" -Nixon

  2. oh babe i heart you-how does your brain work like this?
