I love the picture on the bottom right- what do ya think?

Soo this is the new baby's crib skirt. Now is where I need ideas- I'm going to paint one wall in her room - should I do a hot pink a blush antiquie pink- my idea is to make it look like france. I have that ikea black mirror thats all scrolly- an old white windowpane- my old ballet point shoes that I want incorporate in her room. I found an old changing table at the junkyard last week and am gonna revamp that bad boy too. SO excited!

I am not loving that picture on the bottom right. The colors are fine but I don't like that much color on the wall... HMMM... I am going to email you my other ideas...
ReplyDeleteAs far as the pink color for the wall I would recommend doing a classy color pink not too light pink that it doesn't stand up against the black but I wouldn't do hot pink a really rich saturated pink does that make sense? I think that would compliment the black really well and look so classy chic and SO CUTE! I hope I'm having a girl too!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the crib skirt. SO darling. I'd go with a classy pink too. Love your ideas. I LOVE the top right picture. Canopy beds are SO much fun. I'm thinking about this one now...