Thursday, October 14, 2010

I vowed

I'd never talk about potty training on my blog... but I guess I just had to share this story so coco has some leverage on her brother some day. I just got done cleaning up this mess for about an hour... 
heres the story....
I'm on the phone with Brooke I hear greyson slam the toilet seat down. So I go in and he's got crud all over him- he looks up smiles and says big poop. Yes buddy but where's the rest of it besides all over you.. so I clean him clean the toilet then hunt for the missing mqueen underwear- where is it????
- I know its not going to be good if I cant find them i'm scared of what Im goig to find luck in the bathroome boys room my room stairs downstairs....
 I then go into the bonus room and see coco in her exosaucer.

I let out a scream


The underwear is on her head! 


and she's covered...and it's not chocolate. words... words to describe the grossness..
My poor baby

and I clean again.

*Bright spot* Keshia is home from winnipeg- and she brought me cupcakes 
I swear this girl has a 6th sense as to when I need sugar

There you go hopefully my one potty story.



  1. Holy CRAP! Seriously funny. Maybe not in the moment. That is my worst toilet training fear!

  2. This makes me REALLY grateful that Kalea has not yet involved Brynlee in her gross exploration of poop. Thanks for sharing, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has to deal with that stuff!

  3. Definitely worth sharing! Look at the bright side: you have one hilarious story to tell, and when he starts dating, you can embarrass him by sharing it with his girlfriends. :) I feel for ya!

  4. AHHH! I don't know what I would do!! That is hilarious though, I hope you share more potty training stories if you have some as funny as this.

  5. Hahaha that is so funny! Where are the pictures??

  6. Some stories need to be shared, this was one of them! Good luck on the terrible journey that is potty training- the up side is that there must be an end sometime right?!!
