Tuesday, June 9, 2009

not again....

So I'm blogging for yesterday because last night the boys started to throw up- it was a long night. They are playing this morning so lets hope it was a 24 hour bug. Anyways yesterday I went to Michaels and Walmart to get some felt/groceries for a couple pillow orders that I had to make- I put the boys in carts- it's easier than strapping them in the stroller where they just scream- the only problem --everyone can see them and tells me their whole life story along with telling me about every twin they've ever known- I get the... are they really twins- cause they look nothing alike...all the time..yes twins can have different colored eyes. Yesterday was like a 30 minute conversation with this woman- she was nice but the boys were cranky and ready to go. It's fun meeting lots of people- but sometimes you just want to get your groceries. Anyways when I was all through checking out I noticed my wallet wasnt in my purse...I was like uhhh hold on while I go look for my wallet..In my panic I ran all over looking- I can not loose my wallet twice in 3 months...not good...and the last time someone stole it and used it. So I'm frantically running with my little cart full of boys- I checked everywhere..say a little prayer... run out to my car just in case it's there. 
I look down at Harrison...it's up his shirt....yes...oh that child...gives me heart attacks daily... 
I was in such a frenzy I didn't look closely at my boys. Which should've been my first thought. They love the inside of bags.
prayers work.


1 comment:

  1. I can understand what you mean...I'm often stopped to hear all the horror stories of pregnancy. I'm sure you remember going through that. One lady told me on Sunday that her coworker just gave birth to a dead baby...thanks random stranger...thanks
