Sunday, June 7, 2009


I've always loved johnson beautiful winding staircase in their house. I walked down it in my wedding dress-and they are just gorgeous. After church today we had famous grilled cheese sandwiches at Johnsons- joel is an awesome grilled cheese cooker- seriously they are the best! We were singing songs at the piano when all the sudden debbie and I hear thuds- not good- Harrison fell down the staircase- all wood and very steep. Brandon tried to grab him and couldnt catch him so he jumped down the stairs and stopped him with his leg. He has some bumps and bruises and I don't know how brandon moved that quickly to stop the fall from being worse than it was but I'm greatful he was ok.  Thats how I saw the Lord in my life today. 

My boys are doing so much right now. Greyson goes around with his hand in the air waving like he's in a parade and he points to everything and calls it da da. He also giggle any time something touches his face. Harrison has no fear and climbs everything he sees - the trunks in our bonus room that acted like a barrier are no longer a barrier but now a climbing toy.  He has this little laugh that hell go around the house giggling at himself. It's so sweet. They both love little tight corners- especially the curtain at church- we are in the hall for half the meeting each of us with our baby. It will be nice when we can listen to sacrament again. Today Jessie Bachynski came and visited- I love that girl-she's so down to earth and dosn't realize how amazing she is- she took both the boys out while brandon and I listened today- it was a much needed relief and I'm thankful for her sweetness and service. While we were at Johnsons tonight we played rock band as a family- I officially love the drums- I've always liked the singing- but man to feel the rhythm of those drums is so fun! I love hanging out At Johnsons on sundays. I love that it's started to become a tradition. There's something so warm about being there and I love that we have so much fun together. IT was a great sunday. And they wore their grandkids out- the boys both fell asleep on  the way home and didnt make a peep when we put them was sweet- I love watching there little kinked heads in their car seats asleep.



  1. Gah, I hate stairs! Our staircase is wood, too (not steep though), and I always have to keep my Eagle Eye out. I'm glad Harrison didn't tumble all the way down, poor guy! Aaron is doing the 'everything is called "da da" including "mama"' and it's driving me crazy. I'm mama, not dada!! Anyway, I'm glad you have family so close to you, that must be wonderful to have that love and support always there!

  2. Traditions are so sweet! I loved going to Nick's parent's house when we lived in Raymond on Sundays! Glad Harrison is Ok too... so scary! P.S. I'm loving your posts!
