As I sit here drinking hot co-co in front of my christmas tree. I can't help but notice the stillness and how beautiful the new sparkly snow looks. It feels like christmas and I'm excited for my family to come visit us in Canada. I've thought a lot about the season this year and how grateful I am for things in my life this year. I'm truly blessed beyond reason to be part of a special family. I'm greatful my boys are healthy and smart and that they are growing into little humans with amazing personality's . I love that they teach me to be selfless and in return they give me true moments of joy. I've loved watching them grow so much this year- their smiles giggles cute little walks and words. I feel so lucky to be their mother.
Also greatful for a husband who is and will always be my puzzle piece we complement each other in every way. I'm so greatful that were blissfully in love. I still swoon over this man on a daily basis- especially tonight watching him shovel our driveway in his cute sweats. I love his morning forehead kisses- even though half the time I'm still asleep. His little acts of love keep me sane. Hes such an amazing man and he makes me a better woman.
I also would like to express my love for my saviour. I had the opportunity to learn more about him this last semester through some classes- and I feel a closeness with him latley -truly as a brother. Someone I can talk to. There are days when I don't know how I'll make it to 5 pm and I know his love is there for me and I'm not alone. I feel a deep love for him his atonement his example his love for everyone and I can't wait to personally go to him and say thank you for walking this path of life with me. I'm greatful I know where I came from that I have answers to lifes huge questions that I know who I am
- happiness -
true happiness comes from jesus christ-
I love my brother my savior and my biggest example.
What a blessing that little baby so meek and humble is to my world. My hope is that I can keep that love inside me all year. So with these thoughts I wish you a merry christmas.
I hope your season is filled with bliss as mine is this year.

Ah.... I loved this post! Thanks Bree!