Favorite smells
My Favorite smells at 23 almost 24 years old.
*The smell of baby chloe when she has a bath- I use cucumber melon baby wash and she smells so fresh.
*Febreze air affects- the orange/lemon citrus kind I use this on a daily basis- when you have 3 kids in diapers it's a necessity
* Noodles- I love when we go to Johnsons and can smell noodles cooking. It reminds me of Idaho and going to Brandons Grandmas house.
* I love the way dirt smells when I'm doing my front planters in the spring
* cut grass
*Pine sol- reminds me of California adventures ride soarin over california- its my very fav ride at disneyland which is my fav place!
*The way the lake smells in Sundance every time we go to Johnson's- a clean fresh alive scent
*The scent of moxies- 1 means I'm out and 2 someone's cooking for me- both awesome!!!
*fresh from mexico baking vanilla- I love to bake
*my scentsy warmer has a scent called pomegranate- I love it its sweet and reminds me of being a kid and drinking cherry cool aid inthe summer.
*mr clean- means somebody aka debbie loves me and has cleaning in my house- something I've appreciated so much over the past 2 years.
*Sobey's Bakery in the mornings- reminds me a Paris- I can tell when they are making bread
*clean sheets
* Southland leisure center- I love the smell of chlorine.
*BBQ's- they remind me of taking walks in the summer with brandon around cranston- we probably went every other night last year. It helped the boys go to sleep.
*And last but not least when I'm doing laundry and I pull out one of Brandon's shirts that smells like swiss army- its like a gentle reminder that he loves me and that I miss him when he's at work.
Those are some good smells! I like the pinesol one! Chloe looks just like your daddy! I have yet to see a picture with her eyes open yet! She is such a cutie!