Unfortunatly I do no have lots of pictures to post life has been crazy the past couple weeks. But I guess ill start off with what's new so I feel somewhat caught up and can start fresh again.
1-does Brandon still work for BP? noooo thank heavens- he transferred to shell 2 years ago so we arnt as worried as some others in Calgary are right
2-I have a new ward calling- the activities committee chair- never thought Id get this dream calling-you always think they'll put you somewhere you don't want to be so you'll grow so Im super excited to serve in an area I love. I already have my
notebook full of ideas.
3-co co rolled over- and has the balding head to prove it- I'm so sad she's losing her beautiful e-walk hair.
4- she ate rice cereal last week and liked it lots.
5-Brandon took some flex days off- I love when he does this- we go on dates- and last week we went and saw karate kid- It was such a great movie I really enjoyed it and it just instilled in me again how much I would love to go to asia some day. We both really enjoy film and talking about the shots they do the plot lines ect- its always great conversation over dinner and I love when we get to be together alone we even are those cheesy couples that sit on the same side of the booth sometimes.
6-I went to utah with the kiddos but failed to mention my little incident that happened on the way back- I decided ill blog about that one tomorrow it deserves its own post. So my boys can on day come hug me and say mom we love you.
7- Our grass got arrarated and fertalized- so spelled that wrong- I love when my grass is green Im a little ocd about it- so Im so glad thats finally done- we've had tons of rain and its nice to go outside again- even though the mosquitos are out in full force and greyson is allergic to them- his whole eye was swollen shut last week and just tonight his lip was 3 times its normal size -poor dude
8- went to the relief society retreat- it was so much fun!- such a nice break brandon took all the kids and slept over at johnsons for the night so I could get a little rnr- didnt really happen though cause I stayed up till about 4 am laughing with some of the girls. I enjoy retreat because I talk to people and get to know others I previously wouldn't have
really known because Im so focused on my kids on sundays-{we
barley make it through sacrament meeting each week alive} so heres a shout out to my kenny chesny friend momma K ugggh pom pomm queen of quelf girl and that mean trippy spatula drummer. I LUV YOU- and am happy I got to hang out with you more. They had amazing food-candied apples choc dipped pretzels with carmel and nuts- oh man it was like heaven on a plate. Great entertainment it was a vintage carnival theme- super cute and we got todo lip syn
chs in groups based on our results from a personality test. Thats the most fun I've had in a while. Is it not the best feeling in the world to laugh. I came home with almost no voice because I had laughed so hard. Thanks enrichment I totally saw how much work you did- and It was fab. And I feel rejuvenated.
9-Brandon turned 29-the big 30 is next year so this year was a littl
e more quiet this year- Ive been planning his 30th for a while now- I accidentally bought a cake with nuts in it- oops sooo basically hurt him on his birthday I felt so bad. We went to Robin Hood and then to dinner after. He got a new bike and the boys looove to ride in the bike trailer with him.
10-I am doing a craft fair next week with some friends- I love craft fairs and am excited for a week of getting new supplies and restocking my shop. I love when my mail comes now! And one of my old young women Sheilagh is home from school and is going to watch the boys a couple times so I have some free time to just create- I love that girl and can't believe how grown up she is now.
Sounds like quite the life! The retreat sounds awesome too! That is funny you've been planning Brandon's 30th for a while. Adam turns 30 next year too and I am planning a surprise birthday, 80s style! You deserve a retreat! Can't wait to hear about your adventure in traveling!
Sounds like quite the life! The retreat sounds awesome too! That is funny you've been planning Brandon's 30th for a while. Adam turns 30 next year too and I am planning a surprise birthday, 80s style! You deserve a retreat! Can't wait to hear about your adventure in traveling!