Thursday, August 22, 2013


Oh Chloe you are at a fun age... You have been doing some pretty funny stuff lately..mainly you call me Bree and daddy Brandon. All THE TIME! And I have no idea where it started.
You sleep in your dress ups,  I can not get them off you. Your favorite is your Dr dress up where you give check ups to every living thing. You also love your Rapunzel and Tinker bell.  You say "BREE thats so silly!"  You had to go to the hospital last week for a day because you had the nastiest flu ever. At the hospital you had to have a catheter and blood taken then an IV to keep you hydrated but after that you finally started to get better. 
It lasted two weeks and we were both done by then! It was a hard week you hardly slept I was up all night and the whole next week you kept telling me you were sick...which I now know you did for attention... you are smart little one, you knew it would get you another 5 are queen of the bedtime stories. 

You and mommy went to get ice cream while brothers stayed the night at Jetts house, you wanted to go so bad but it was boy time so we went to target and had girl time. It was really fun you got a sprinkle cone with strawberry. I got a hot fudge sundae. It was delicious. And such a good memory Ill always have of you. I cant believe you start preschool next week! Stay little and sweet like this forever!

playing dress up with cousin Evia

Cheetos nose

bedtime story with dad

hanging out at the hospital

ice cream time

new puzzle

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